Our History

先天道院 Sian Tian Daoist Temple was founded by Master Twan Chang in Taiwan in 1967.  

美國先天道院 Center of Dao Study expanded to open a new center in San Francisco Chinatown.

Download Dao Brochures

Click here for Dao Introduction brochure.

Click here for Dao Wisdom brochure. 

Purpose of the Dao

Respect heaven and earth, worship the gods, love the country and be loyal, have integrity, honor the parents, honor the teacher, believe in friends, and neighbors, change evil to goodness, explain the five virtues, expound the mysteries of the five religions, abide by the ancient rituals of the four-dimensional program, wash the heart, cultivate the truth through falsehood, restore the original nature, inspire the conscience and conscience to be the best, establish oneself as well as others, attain the greatest goal, save the world into peace, turn people's hearts into goodness, and hope that the world is in great harmony.  

It has always been the Taoist doctrine that "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism are one" and that "Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Yahweh, and Islam are of the same origin." The founder Wang Jue Yi was a Qing scholar who advocated “Essence is from the source" and believed that The Dao is the essence that creates all things in the universe, the eternal and unchanging truth, and the only way to return to the Source. In human beings, it is called the Essencial Mind Method, the Buddha-nature. In the period of the last Fa, the world has lost its roots, and only by seeking the Dao and teaching it can it transcend life and death. Return to “Wu Ji Li Tian“, the origin.




一貫道教義主張「儒、釋、道三教合一」、「儒、釋、道、耶、回五教同源」。 創教人王覺一為清代理學家,主張「性即理」,認爲

道是創生宇宙萬物的本體、永恆不變的真理,也是返回理天的唯一道路。 在人身上稱為性理心法、本元佛性。 末法時期,世人迷失根本,唯有求道授記,才能超生了死。 回歸「無極理天」。 








Our Dao Family. Our Community.

Jeff & Sam Chang

Sons of Master Twan Chang

Visit Us in SF Chinatown



444 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108

Website: daostudy.org

Phone: 415-658-7838. 415-244-8376

E-mail: centerfordaostudy@gmail.com

Contact: Sam Chang

Open: Monday-Sunday 10am-5pm

Parking Nearby: St Mary's Square Garage